The Meeting is open to registered Honorary and Full (Paid-Up) members of the Club.โฏ
You are invited to submit Nominations for election to the Executive Committee for 2025. Before nominating a member of the Club for appointment to any position, the consent of the person concerned must be obtained. Nominations to serve on the Executive Committee can be by any two full members (paid-up), which may include the nominee.
Anyone wishing to stand for election or become involved in the management of the Club should contact Mick Finn (Club Secretary) or Amanda Britton (Assistant Secretary).
Motions for consideration at the Annual General Meeting are also invited.
Nominations and Motions must be received by the Secretary no later than 1900 (7 p.m.) on Wednesday, 13th November.
The Executive Committee encourages all Full members to attend the AGM as it does present the opportunity to members to review and discuss Club affairs / activities.
The Agenda and further information regarding the Meeting will be circulated on or about Thursday, 21st November.